
Digital Body Measurement Solution

Digital Body Measurement Solution
BodyMeasures is an innovative solution that in just a few seconds measures the human body (height, forearm length, lower leg, etc.).

It is significantly faster than all previously recognized methods,which required 25-45 minutes for the same measurements. The advantage of BodyMeasures is that it does not take a photograph of the person (images are not taken anywhere). The measurement is done in real time and provides complete privacy, anonymity, identity protection and private data security of each person.

The solution is applicable for a variety of industries: sports, healthcare, education, ergonomics, fashion, clothing sales, marketing and promotion, tourism industry and insurance.

BodyMeasures - početni ekran
BodyMeasures - skeniranje
BodyMeasures - ekran s postavkama
BodyMeasures - ekran s rezultatima
How BodyMeasures Work

The 3D camera collects data from the object/person being measured and then uses complex algorithms to analyse the human body, determines measurement points and perform measurements. All measured data is stored in the Cloud.

Most measures, such as height, can also be measured in motion, without the person standing still. The advantage of BodyMeasures is that it does not use images/photographs of people (they are not taken anywhere), the measurement is done in real time, by calculating the appropriate lengths on the body and recording only this data, which guarantees privacy, anonymity, and security of each person/object.

International Innovation Awards: 6