C@N Motion

Gesture Controlled Content Management System

C@N Motion
Gesture Controlled Content Management System


C@N Motion is an interactive, multimedia innovative solution for communication on the man-machine-man level.

C@N Motion is an interactive, multimedia innovative solution for communication on the man-machine-man level. It is a platform for content management that does not require any physical contact between user and interface. Literally, there is no need for physical contact with the screen or any other device (mouse, keyboard, etc…) during any stage of the usage.

This solution is very intuitive and easy to use with touch free approach i.e. a gesture is all that is needed (no need to touch keyboard, mouse or touch screen). As previously stated, this means our solution is available 24/7, can be used through shop windows, is hygienic and, because the user is not in contact with it, eliminates the possibility of equipment damage. Obviously, interaction through gamification, creation of avatars etc. is significantly enhanced.

The Most Striking Features are
C@N Motion schema
  • A new channel of communication
  • Intuitive and easy to use - user interface to all target groups
  • An advanced and innovative technology solution
  • A new user/customer experience
  • Gamification (avatar, memory game, quiz…)
  • Connects customer with product/solution
  • Creates products, service, content according to the wishes of clients/customers
  • Perfect solution for research (to find what clients/customers need and want)
  • Guaranties privacy and anonymity
  • And many more…
International Innovation Awards: 21